Nov 23, 2009

My Baby You...

Wah sedar x sedar my baby dh masuk 6 bulan hehehe lagi 3 bulan br dpt lihat dunia sabar ye sayang. Aritu scan doktor gtahu lelaki tp xtau la kot2 tersalah pandang, gpun kitorg x kisah laki ke pompuan yg penting sihat walafiat dan sempurna Insyallah Amin.Last check-up ada masalah cikit sb bila misis measure panjang rahim lebih dr yang sepatutnya so kena refer doktor. Bnyk kali misis tu measure, mcm2 assumption kt otak ni berlegar2 tp bila refer doktor doktor cakap ok tp kena ambik MGGT again huhuhuhu. So terpaksa la ambik MGGT kali ke-2 Insyallah ok. Masuk je bulan ke-6 ni, sy dh mula mendengarkan baby surah2 yang terpilih kekdg pasang gak muzik Mozart. Dengar2 klu bg dengar muzik Mozart ni merangsangkan otak baby ikut jelah betul x betul.

Dua tiga menjak ni tulang belakang selalu sakit huhuhu klu dh baring nk bangun balik, sakit giler maybe sb kt opis kena duk tegak je bile nk relax still sakit. Skrg ni bnyk keje nk settle klu x settle alamat kena boom boss ler. Ya Allah sekiranya rezeki saya masih di syarikat ni tolong la hamba mu ini semoga ditetapkan hati untuk bekerja dengan ikhlas dan tenang, janganla menguji hambamu melebihi tahap kesabaran. Ya Allah semoga satu hari nanti Allah akan keluarkan saya dari azab yang dasyat ini, Amin.

Sadly weeks

I heard so many sad news this whole week. The first news was about my Bapa Tua (that what we call him, he is my daddy elder brother), he just passed away on the 19th November 2009 after unwell many months. All my siblings went to the funeral except my sister ina, bro jun and of course me, felt sorry to my daddy. I called Daddy just want to cit cat and he told me that his nephew passed away too gosh i'm really surprise because that man live near our house at Tambunan. Since he is non-muslim so i just pray to Allah for his good sake.

Then Daddy passed the phone to my sis June, we had a little cit cat and she told me she cant reach my sis Ina to tell about Bapa Tua. So at early next morning i try to sms one of Kak ina's hp number to tell her the news and a few sec my phone ringing, it's from Kak ina so i pick up.'s my bro in law Abg anil, he really surprised about the news ask when did Bapa passed away; I told him a short brief about it and he told me he was in the hospital, his cousins (Hamdan&Mas), Hamdan's wife and aunt had an accident around 2/3 am. They was on the way to the hospital to send Mas to deliver her first child but suddenly they been hit by Toyota Prado, which driven by drunk man. Doctor tried to save the baby girl but its too late so both mom and baby died. It was so terrible and sad. I know Mas since secondary school, she was a happy person and helpful and talkative. This news make me thinking LIFE IS REALLY TOO SHORT. Start from that day, every day for me is so meaning and thanks to Allah for give another day to me.

English Version (Source:

Malay Version (Source:

Today we live but it's no promise that tomorrow we'll live, we'll be lucky to live for another day so use it properly and dont forget to thank Allah.

Nov 20, 2009

Dear friends.....

Sorry for the absences i'm very very busy this 2 straight months just imagine i never ever in my thought that i'll be in procurement and marketing department cause i know my strength but well what can i say My boss transfer me here like it or not i just work la. Its really tough working in this department since all the burden falling at my shoulder and plus in my condition right know. Only Allah know how hard it is, how pressure i faced.

I'm really weak in essay either in malay or english since i was in secondary school my bro jun owez laugh at my writing. Right now i have to prepared technical proposal imagine sometimes i have to write in english disaster oooo all the words topsy-turvy. Lucky me i've my friends to HELP me especially Afi, the most contribute person in writing standard, spelling and grammar (mcm terlebih sudah ni) and others friends Mai, Wani, K.Erin, K.Aza, Wani, Lina and K.Fireen. Not forgotten my ex-officemate dearly Aisyah, lovely salina and caring ju; i'll owez remember you all just keep in touch.

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