Well, i just received a good good news from my family. My nephew's wife have just give birth to a cute son for him, his name Syafiq Rizqullah. He is so adorable with his dimple just like his mother....emmm that will make the first great grandson in my family. Wow that great isn’t it? i’m happy for them.
Lets count the latest numbers for my family
1. Angeiana + Alimjin (3 daughters + 4 sons)
*2 grand daughters
2. Siti Ratna + Abd. Raup (2 daughters + 4 sons)
*1 grand son
3. Mohd.Iskandar + Zainab (5 daughters + 1 sons)
4. Mohd.Azim + Siti Lalia (3 daughters + 2 sons)
5. Julaini + Kilyn (2 daughters + 1 sons)
6. Nuralina + Shahrin (4 daughters + 2 sons)
7. Nabila + Ajmain (5 daughters :( sons) coming soon.......
8. Mohd.Syaifudin + Rashidah (1 daughter + 1 son)
9. Fatin Nazuha + Hadafi (Coming soon.........)
Total (grand daughters = 25 and sons = 15) = 40
Total (great grand daughters = 2 and great grandson = 1) = 3
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