Lets count the latest numbers for my family
1. Angeiana + Alimjin (3 daughters + 4 sons)
*2 grand daughters
2. Siti Ratna + Abd. Raup (2 daughters + 4 sons)
*1 grand son
3. Mohd.Iskandar + Zainab (5 daughters + 1 sons)
4. Mohd.Azim + Siti Lalia (3 daughters + 2 sons)
5. Julaini + Kilyn (2 daughters + 1 sons)
6. Nuralina + Shahrin (4 daughters + 2 sons)
7. Nabila + Ajmain (5 daughters :( sons) coming soon.......
8. Mohd.Syaifudin + Rashidah (1 daughter + 1 son)
9. Fatin Nazuha + Hadafi (Coming soon.........)
Total (grand daughters = 25 and sons = 15) = 40
Total (great grand daughters = 2 and great grandson = 1) = 3
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