Dec 2, 2009
OMG....Ya Allah tenangkan hati hambamu ini
Ya Allah tolong la tenangkan hati hambamu ini.... Sesungguhnya kesabaranku sudah sampai ke tahap yang tak dapat ku tanggung. Selama ini ku bersabar sabar dengan sikap pakcik ni tapi semakin lama semakin teruk jadinya. Teruk sangat, sampai terlintas di otak ni adakah sudah sampai waktu pakcik ni NYANYUK? Semua kesalahan dia, tanpa angin tanpa ribut taufan dan tanpa saya tahu pun boleh jadi kesalahan saya yang paling besar. Sampai dok asyik ulang benda yang sama walhal tu salah dia, mungkin dia ingat kalau dia asyik salahkan saya suma akan fikir salah saya. Emmmm tak heran la pakcik oiii tu memang salah you, sapa suruh you sain agreement tanpa baca? CEO jenis apa yang menandatangani perjanjian tanpa membaca isi dokumen tersebut? Kalu pemalas sangat pun suruhla kami2 ni pekerja you yang baca kami bukannya x reti english pun even graduated local.
Ya Allah Ku mohon keampunan darimu kerana dek tak tertahan menanggung tekanan aktiviti mengumpatla tempat ku melepas tekanan, kepada suami, abg tek, kengkawan tempat ku meluahkan segala yang terbuku dalam hati. Kesian juga sebab dorang mesti tension kan? Sorry n really sorry kawan2. Kalau disenaraikan semua kata2 pakcik tu rasanya tak muat ruang blog ni. Rasanya sepanjang bekerja dengan pakcik ni dosa yang ku tanggung lagi tinggi dari gaji yang ku dapat tu belum masuk bonus bonaza (kata2 mgutuk n ayat power dia) lagi. Rasa semua benda buat serba x kena, belah pagi cakap camni "kalau you tak faham tanya i, i taula u tu dari xxxx. Dah tu melayu pulak memangla you tak pandai. Dah tau tak pandai rajin2la bertanya" dan bila petang cakap camni plak "You janganla tanya benda2 yang senang, ni la graduated xxxx semua benda tak tahu. Inila sikap melayu nak senang je semua nak tanya jadila cam bangsa lain explore itu ini"....Aiks x ke boleh jadi gile, tu dalam hari yang sama cuba bayangkan untuk esok hari je xyah fikir lebih.
Tu tak termasuk yang dia suka membebel, boleh dia membebel tanpa henti dari pagi sampi petang pastu mengamuk sebab letih bercakap. Tak ke bodoh namanya tu? Kite plak salah sebab buat dia membebel aiksss mulut sapa kan? kalau ada suis untuk tutup mulut dia dah lama saya pecahkan so xbleh la nk on lagi tenang hidup.....Nak doakan tak baik untuk dia cian plak kite kan masih ada perimanusia, yelah doa orang yang teranayai kan makbul biarlah Allah yang balas. Kalau nabi maafkan umat itu kalau nabi tapi saya bukan nabi so minta maaflah selagi bekas/parut dalam hati ini ada selagi tu saya tak maafkan. I'm Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!! teruk sangat ke saya? Tidak rasanya kalau korang berada di tempat saya, pada kengkawan yang merasa betul tak?......Kalau dia tak sentuh pasal peribadi saya it's ok tapi dia sangat melampau dahla selalu sentuh pasal peribadi, hal rumahtangga sampai anak yang belum lahir pun dia cakap macam2...Sakit die hanya saya je yang alami.
bersambung ye........
Nov 23, 2009
My Baby You...
Dua tiga menjak ni tulang belakang selalu sakit huhuhu klu dh baring nk bangun balik, sakit giler maybe sb kt opis kena duk tegak je bile nk relax still sakit. Skrg ni bnyk keje nk settle klu x settle alamat kena boom boss ler. Ya Allah sekiranya rezeki saya masih di syarikat ni tolong la hamba mu ini semoga ditetapkan hati untuk bekerja dengan ikhlas dan tenang, janganla menguji hambamu melebihi tahap kesabaran. Ya Allah semoga satu hari nanti Allah akan keluarkan saya dari azab yang dasyat ini, Amin.
Sadly weeks
Then Daddy passed the phone to my sis June, we had a little cit cat and she told me she cant reach my sis Ina to tell about Bapa Tua. So at early next morning i try to sms one of Kak ina's hp number to tell her the news and a few sec my phone ringing, it's from Kak ina so i pick up.'s my bro in law Abg anil, he really surprised about the news ask when did Bapa passed away; I told him a short brief about it and he told me he was in the hospital, his cousins (Hamdan&Mas), Hamdan's wife and aunt had an accident around 2/3 am. They was on the way to the hospital to send Mas to deliver her first child but suddenly they been hit by Toyota Prado, which driven by drunk man. Doctor tried to save the baby girl but its too late so both mom and baby died. It was so terrible and sad. I know Mas since secondary school, she was a happy person and helpful and talkative. This news make me thinking LIFE IS REALLY TOO SHORT. Start from that day, every day for me is so meaning and thanks to Allah for give another day to me.
Today we live but it's no promise that tomorrow we'll live, we'll be lucky to live for another day so use it properly and dont forget to thank Allah.
Nov 20, 2009
Dear friends.....
I'm really weak in essay either in malay or english since i was in secondary school my bro jun owez laugh at my writing. Right now i have to prepared technical proposal imagine sometimes i have to write in english disaster oooo all the words topsy-turvy. Lucky me i've my friends to HELP me especially Afi, the most contribute person in writing standard, spelling and grammar (mcm terlebih sudah ni) and others friends Mai, Wani, K.Erin, K.Aza, Wani, Lina and K.Fireen. Not forgotten my ex-officemate dearly Aisyah, lovely salina and caring ju; i'll owez remember you all just keep in touch.
I found this web just want to share:
Sep 4, 2009
10 tip bagaimana menjadi pasangan yang baik
1)Terima seadanya:
Jangan cuba untuk mengubah pasangan mengikut kemahuan anda. Ingat, pasangan yang anda kahwini atau cintai itu adalah pilihan anda sendiri. Jangan terlalu dambakan kesempurnaan. Terima segala kekurangan kerana tiada manusia yang sempurna. Cuba fikirkan kebaikan pasangan daripada terus memikirkan kekurangan dan keburukannya.
2)Berkomunikasi secara terbuka:
Jangan selalu membuat andaian mengenai perasaan pasangan anda. Adalah lebih baik mengajak pasangan untuk berbincang secara terbuka mengenai segala hal. Belajar untuk mengekspresi perasaan dengan cara terbaik supaya pasangan memahami anda ketika anda marah, terluka, tersinggung atau gembira. Ucaplah kata sayang sekerap yang mungkin walaupun kadangkala ia dianggap keterlaluan. Tetapi itulah yang mahu didengar oleh pasangan. Sikap mendiamkan diri adalah sesuatu yang patut dielakkan.
3)Aktiviti bersama:
Aktiviti bersama mampu merapatkan perhubungan. Carilah sesuatu yang boleh dilakukan bersama. Misalnya, menonton video di rumah atau menonton wayang seperti waktu bercinta dahulu. Anda perlu berhati-hati jika anda lebih gemar untuk bersama rakan-rakan melebihi pasangan anda. Ini kerana itu adalah petanda yang tidak baik.
4)Tunjukkan cinta anda:
Setelah berumah tangga, ramai yang kurang mengambil perhatian mengenai perihal hati pasangan. Ramai yang berkata 'sudah kahwin untuk apa romantik lagi'. Itu adalah tanggapan yang salah. Rasa cinta dan sayang tidak ada salahnya jika diluahkan dengan sejambak bunga buat isteri atau makan malam romantis untuk suami. Menunjukkan rasa cinta secara berterusan kepada pasangan adalah sesuatu yang mampu mengekalkan perhubungan pada tahap yang selesa.
5)Kawal perasaan:
Apabila marah atau ada hal yang mengganggu anda, cubalah bertenang dan bertanya kepada pasangan. Elakkan tuduhan melulu dan meninggikan suara kerana ia hanya akan membawa kepada pergaduhan. Pasangan akan menghargai jika anda bertenang dalam menghadapi sebarang situasi.
6Jangan ungkit kisah lalu:
Berhentilah mengungkit masa lalu yang negatif. Tidak ada sesiapa mahu mengingati kesilapan yang mungkin merupakan kenangan pahit atau memalukan. Jangan jadikan kesilapan lalu pasangan sebagai senjata setiap kali berlaku pertengkaran.
7)Kurangkan rasa cemburu:
Setiap individu tidak boleh lari daripada pasangan cemburu. Namun, cemburu yang keterlaluan patut dielakkan kerana ia boleh mencetuskan pergaduhan dan rasa tidak selesa pada diri sendiri. Hubungan cinta harus dibina atas dasar percaya kepada pasangan.
8)Jaga komitmen antara satu sama lain:
Elakkan membuat janji yang tidak mampu dipenuhi. Jika berlaku, ia akan menyebabkan pasangan kurang menghormati kita. Menjaga kepercayaan merupakan komitmen dalam satu perhubungan yang sihat. Apabila pasangan merasakan anda mula mengabaikan komitmen, maka bersiap sedialah untuk kehilangannya.
Jujur adalah perkara yang paling penting dalam perhubungan. Jangan sesekali menipu pasangan kerana ia adalah antara punca utama sebuah perpisahan. Kejujuran yang dimaksudkan adalah kejujuran untuk mengungkap perasaan kita terhadap pasangan. Jika terluka, katakan bahawa anda terluka. Katakanlah dengan tenang tanpa perlu meninggikan suara.
10)Beri layanan terbaik sepanjang hidup:
Layanlah pasangan anda seperti sebelum berkahwin. Jika dahulu jalan berpimpinan tangan, pimpinlah tangan pasangan setelah berkahwin. Ramai pasangan cenderung untuk mengabaikan keakraban perhubungan selepas berkahwin kerana lebih tertumpu kepada keperluan keluarga atau anak-anak.
Sep 1, 2009
Emmm...what a life
I used to think when i was a child....i wish i born in rich family so that i can have whatever i want i can go wherever i want i can buy expensive stuff but lastly i stunned if i wish that then my parents will be different and i cant lose that i rather not rich as long as i have my parents and family. If not my parent i'll not as i am today...its ok i'm not rich and i don't care people said...Well they are lucky born in rich family but please do not insult unfortunate people do not even think why their parent did not bought car for their children, unable to send them to good school, cant afford to have a passport (passport is meaningless to unfortunate family compare to the daily/weekly/monthly/yearly/whole life NEEDS), unable to give a gift like traveling to oversea and luxury lifestyle but i'm lucky to be as i am today.....thanks a lot mummy and daddy...
I'm proud to be as i am now....i work with my two hand i earn money my salary in good way and i never ruins others life. But i still have my dream and hope Allah will make it true. Insyallah
Aug 21, 2009
Update Update Update
Lucky me last meeting with our partner work smoothly and my boss mood at that time ceria meriah hehehe. Fuh.......lepas satu beban. Kalau tak disaster la landslide, earthquake, flood and typhoon masuk sekali.
Kerja kat sini memerlukan tahap kesabaran dan ketenangan yang sangat tinggi even masa awal2 masuk rasa cam kejap je keje sini tapi sedar2 dh hampir 2 tahun fuyooooooooo lama tu. Apa2pun banyak pengalaman dah lalui dari pengalam kerja kepada pengalaman hidup. Pengalaman kerja biasalah handle projek, attend briefing, present tender benchmarking dll Pengalaman hidup plak tak terkira banyaknya dari sakit hati biasa2 hinggala ke rasa nak mati....happy? happy pun sebab dapat kawan pejabat yang terrrrrrrrmantop baik punyer klu tak maybe dah x tahan huhuhu.
Pepe pun since saya tengah pregnant ni emosi memang melampau sikit moody ntah la x bleh nak kawal....dah masa x pregnant pun moody tengah pregnant lagila macam2. Hati sendiri pun menyampah sabar jelah hubby ku kay hehehe janji baby ikut daddy dia sabar comel ikut mummy la
Aug 18, 2009
Last monday, saya menghadiri temuduga Jurukur. Kecewa sangat sebab soalan tidak menepati dengan persediaan yang dibuat huhuhuhu jenuh baca pekeliling, peraturan ukur, isu-isu semasa ukur tanah, baca akta KTN (cikit je pun hihihi) tapi soalan cuma ada dua:
1: Wakil dari SPA
- Cerita latar belakang dan pengalaman kerja
- Pengalaman paling mencabar sepanjang bekerja dengan syarikat
- Dalam bahasa english ceritakan aktiviti ko-kurikulum yang anda aktif
- Bagaimana untuk melakukan CPR?
2. Wakil dari JUPEM
- Apa dia geospatial?
- Apa perbezaan peta yang dikeluarkan oleh JUPEM dan Syarikat lain atau orang awam?
Semua ni hanya dalam 10 minit, orang yang paling cepat keluar yang lain paling cepat pun 20 minit and paling lambat dalam 30 minit. Fuh...kecewa sungguh huhuhu at least klu dia tanya pasal isu semasa JUPEM maybe sampai la juga 20 minit uwaaaaa. Walapun keyakinan telah hilang tapi saya masih berharap untuk dapat Insyallah kalau Allah beri rezeki jawatan tu untuk saya dapat la saya mula kerja dalam sektor kerajaan lebih terjamin dan fokus kepada kerja sebenar.
Aug 4, 2009
Perkembangan Bayi 10 Minggu
Pada usianya masuk minggu ke-10, bayi kita sudah kelihatan seperti manusia yang lengkap. Pada minggu ini, payu dara puan akan sedikit membengkak kerana terdapat cecair oestrogen dan progesterone sebagai persediaan untuk menyusukan bayi kelak.
Pada usia kehamilan minggu pertama - minggu ke 10, ibu yang hamil amat memerlukan zat besi. Dengan zat besi tersebut ianya dapat membantu ibu hamil untuk menghilangkan rasa loya, muntah-muntah serta alahan. Dengan zat besi yang mudah hadam juga dapat membantu tumbesaran janin. Antara sindromyang dapat dicegah atau dikurangkan dengan pengambilan zat besi ini ialah dapat mencegah demam, batuk, selsema,sejuk-sejuk, sakit kepala, sakit gigi dan lain-lain lagi. Paling penting ia juga turut membantu melancarkan aliran darah dan mencegah daripada masalah urat bersimpul di betis dan kaki serta menghilangkan letih dan lesu.
Jul 22, 2009
Kita hanya merancang.......
Secondly...i dah lama nk join kumpulan perunding ni buat kerja di Labuan dengan harapan dapat jumpa abang dan family dia tapi disebabkan i mengandung and doktor tak benarkan fly terpaksalah melupakan hasrat untuk ke Labuan. Imagine la camna perasaan ni tapi itula ketentuan Allah. Tapi ada hikmahnya well at least i dapat tolong member2 email dokumen yang diperlukan kalu i pun pergi sapa yang akan tolong email kan hanya kami bertiga mengetahui kedudukan dokumen dan tajuk yang diperlukan.
Jul 9, 2009
Good News....
Jul 3, 2009
At last.........
Jun 24, 2009
Celebrate Birthday
I cant believe at this age (not too old tau!!!) i'll celebrating my birthday with friends at office even it is just a small party but it really touched my heart to see all the preparation made and a big thanks to Miss Aisyah that sincerely sponsored Bluberry Cheese Cake...(Nyummy Nyummy...Delicious). Well, actually we're all prefer Chocolate Cake but since this little girl name Afi can't eat any flavour made from chocolate we choose cheese instead.
Jun 16, 2009
OMG....I need rest
My boss always told us about how important SQ, EQ and IQ, I know what he said is true but i cant accept the words from person that greatly differ. If that person also have high SQ ,EQ and IQ, necessarily I will acknowledged and maybe would strive to have high SQ and EQ even with a medium IQ. But right now maybe i'll try to learn slowly on spiritual and emotion first because i'm just an ordinary human being learning slowly is the best step. Why spiritual and emotion? Well, it my opinion spiritual and soul is one essence in human life that will form to good character and emotion was one become aware that exists in self to make we more sensitive to around. Different people will have different opinion but that what i thought and there will be no right or wrong (quoted from Merlin hihihi).
Btw, i hope that before this year end i'll have a vacation with my hubby...Insyallah.............
Jun 5, 2009
Nothing to update
Ahh...forgot to tell y'all i used free wireless right now emmm i dont know the owner but when i on wireless i saw and of course i'll ma sapa x mo?...
May 28, 2009
What kind neighbour is this?
I felt useless being a person that know nothing and do nothing. I didn't know well all my neighbour we just rent this house and still unfamiliar so i didn't feel too guilty moreover i never knew they name and never spoke with them. It relieves me but still deep inside my heart i questioned to myself "What kind neighbour we are? "
May 27, 2009
Consultant? Hell No......
Alright then lets forget about my neopets, i means who care about my pets anyway hahaha just a little introduction you all can have one thee hee hee. Back to the main issue, lately there are many upcoming tender and projects, my team have to separate into two small team (team for consultancy and projects, i'm in projects team with my friend) two persons in each team. It's very difficult to work with only two persons and plus with our BB, i told you sometimes it end with nothing and we will do all the works. My team separate for about 4 months before our BB reorganized and ask the projects team to help in certain volume. Hell no...hihihi honestly i hate to write and thinking hate to push my brain to works. But felt sorry to consultancy team, the two of them work really hard and no one help them so i rethink why not help them because there so many works to be done plus of course i will claim for my works hihihihi business minded.
So my new CV will have consultant experience and of course tender and marketing hahahaha full list of experienced. I have variety experienced since i works here there are geospatial, remote sensing, land surveying, tender & marketing, short course & training and lastly consultancy. Just imagine only one and half year i had so many experiences in many field in one company. Tell you if you want to have all this experienced without working here you need to work in 6 different companies and maybe takes about 3 to 5 years working experience. But only the strong person enable to works here, the person must have a very high IQ, EQ and SQ hahahaha don't forget to have a very high patience level and have dunno behavior so you may just make some issue or all matter gone with the wind hihihi
May 19, 2009
Calling for an Interview.....
1. Define Land (5min)
2. What is sub-divided and partition (10min)
3. There are almost 200 law in Land administration name a few of them.(5min)
4. Software use in mapping and land survey (5min)
5. Differentiate between RSO and Cassini(10min)
6. Advantages for Landuse in Local Government decision making for planning purpose (10min)
7. What is Geographic Information System (GIS) (5min)
8. Software you familiar used in mapping (5min)
I know all the questions sound very easy but still I'm not confident with my answer. Is my luck or maybe Allah help me because i always work with all that matter but still unsure i just put some example/case study related to NLC and elaborate it. I really not confident since all the candidates look very professional and percentage to get this job very small.
As for the interview session, i a bit worried because my friend told me that my time was very short compared to the others and plus they (the interviewers) press the button just after i out. Why? as i remember the four candidates before me had about approximately 5 minutes before they time but me? only a few second. Just wondering if they didn't discussed anything about me or maybe i'm not suitable for that position since it's for surveyor and surveyor usually for man right? but there is a chances that i will in the short list well i don't know only Allah...huhuhu i really want that position please Allah make my wish come true Amin.
May 6, 2009
Shhhh.....It is a secret!!!!!
Today, i attend another briefing tender at KKLW, Putrajaya. It such a long journey since afi cannot company me to go there because she had meeting for Labuan Corporation. An early morning at 6.45am i asked my hubby to send me to LRT Wangsa Maju Station, it's still early but i know how this station look like when it pass 7.15am very crowded with people and plus i don't know the schedule time for KLIA Express (ERL). As i remember last year, i late for meeting at MoA because i missed the ERL train so i thought it better early than late moreover i had time for breakfast.
During the briefing i have know idea what are they asked and talked about. Usually, i have friend to discuss with Afi or Aisyah or both but right know i just keep quiet and jot down what important. For that tender almost 20++ company came for briefing and i believe mostly are from technical part because they asked so detailed.
May 5, 2009
Emm actually today i attend an interview for KPLI this is the first interview after taken two KPLI's test hohoho i mildly surprise because i attend the MTEST three days after warded and without preparation. Thanks a million to my best friend Ana, she is the who one told me about the MTEST and result for interview. As i remember the first test, i did a lot preparations, bought many books and study hard but still failed so when i took this second test i really hopeless but in the same time felt relief because at least i try my best. With Allah will, they called me for an interview ta daa....i'm very happy but my friends didn't make it, they already appealed and Insyallah i believe and confident they will called them. Do not worry friend......
Well, many people said that when they call for an interview one leg already in so your chances was 50-50 just do the best during interview. It easy to say but when you face the situation you know what i mean. Maybe it's just me to felt like that but trust me just answer with confident and honest. Hikhik i have 50-50 chances when i passed the interview i'll share all my experience right now what can i say just do what you can and do not afraid after all they are homo sapiens thee hee human being la. They wont bite if you speak and there is no right or wrong just a test to know either you can speak or not.
Apr 15, 2009
The worst of all day
As usual, the traffic was busy and the cars jammed but still we arrive early around 8am something and surprising me the parking lot almost full. We have a good place to park because it's near to exit. Well, firstly the very important thing to do breakfast!!!! urghhh.... starving...We smell food but cannot find the shop, we search inside KLCC from end to end till our foot,knee and heel in pain that's when i remember the food court at 3rd floor (if i'm not mistake la) or the 4th floor. We ate there, chit chat and starting gossip till around 10.00am because i promised with Mr.G to meet him at 10.30 before the meeting started.
This is where my problems start, i call P to tell them that we already arrive and will meet them as promise time but then He told me the meeting was canceled and he only inform that via email, where on earth he came from the important thing like that just canceled via email what an idiot man and very very stupid dupang, even secondary kid can think wisely. He can call me to canceled it right? i won't bite him, at first i thought maybe he such a very handsome gorgeous man with gentlemen voice so he afraid i'll fall but when i met him gee what a man i just can say it's the other side way huahuahua....lucky me the meeting still on well what can he say i force him because Mr.G came all the way from S'pore only to attend this meeting. So i'll make sure it happen...I Did Even In Negative Way but at least Mr.M dosen't know it. Settled, next we have to rush for another event Seminar at CC Hotel.
My second problem, we moved at 1.00pm from KLCC even the seminar start at early in the morning but we already inform them that we only managed to attend in the evening so we budget to arrive there at 2.00pm or 2.30pm. Gosh...i left my printed map at office and so do Dina the only we have is direction place with only road name in Dina's handwriting hahaha very funny but that the disaster we lost for about 3 hours. We asked so many people, policeman and taxi man but useless and last person we try to asked Dina BF's friend he help us he did but we still lost. From bright to cloudy to rain to storm and bright again, I already give-up but Dina still trying and last tried she call again her BF's friend and she follow really follow the detail direction and wa'lah the CC Hotel in front of my eyes.
We arrived there sharp 4.00pm but unfortunately the seminar already finished but we able to have afternoon tea. The people was very nice even we cannot attend on Q&A session. After that we follow this lady to their office to take our final payment since the project had finished. What a long day and as i said it end with happy ending. Uwaaaa Uwaaa I Beg For My Friends/Officemate/Team mates do not ever ever left me alone in office again......
Apr 8, 2009
I'm Feeling Much Better
I'm happy for my brothers and sister, the latest information about my big big family is a new person in our family presenting My Sis Wan new baby boy. Congrats to her after many many years waiting a baby boy at last it ended with happing ending, sorry no picture but i'll post it later. Chop...chop.... another good news from my Bro Jun, his wife Kak Ida was Pregnant 8 weeks yeah...yeah... another family will come. Take a good care to Kak Ida tau bang...Soon Jiji will have a sister and of course abang will be big big brother more bigger than now hahaha Iman Hafiy the Big Boss.
Apr 7, 2009
Back For Good
First day, there is so many things to recall and to asking. My officemate helps me a lot and actually i felt pity and sorry for them because i left so many works to settle. Next week will be the busiest week even my boss outstation but i'm the only person to handle work for 4 days uwaaaa. Well i guess they all pay me back for leaving them 17 days hihihi just kidding la Afi and Sally good luck and take care hope both of you can work well at Labuan ok and Aisyah Happy Holiday, i'll miss you so much and opss opss don't forget my souvenir from Melbourne k.
Emmm Next Week i've to prepared for WEAVE demo at Petronas, Seminar BMS at Crystal Crown Hotel, presentation for FELCRA and JM works (JPS&TNB). I felt like the holiday i have before for this reason huahuahua really not kidding i tell you. The whole week equal the whole rest i took. Gosh...i'll miss the three of them really but it's ok i'll call Afi&Sally during lunch hour and Aisyah sorry i guess i'll just emmmm SMS nahh it'll cost rm1/sms calling? must be extremely expensive well the i just miss you la....
Apr 6, 2009
Balik Kampung......
Well, the first reason we back is to see the situation for election day dan second to send my mother-in-law back home. Gosh....when we pass through Changkat Jering's Tol the scenery was very like place after war but not bomb it's a signboards, posters and banners, we can see here-there, up-down and everywhere. Gee even at night i can feel the tension and warmth for Bukit Gantang's Election.
When we back to KL, all along the road we can see many Polices Traffic busy with their duty to control the traffic, gang of bikers with flag, gang of bicyclist, cars and motorcycle parking at side of the road, people walking and there is one large area they build for temporary of police headquarter. I bet they must really scared to what happen before and afraid it will happen again, so right now they're more carefully and prepare anytime if something bad happen.
Apr 3, 2009
I'll be the next Biggest Loser
I watched from season 1 till season 3 but i know right now they open participant for Season 8. Anyone interest? Oh..oww the deadline for submitting tapes and applications is today hihihi. Unfortunately only for U.S. resident, i think Malaysia should do this Reality TV. I know, there will be "Talks Back" but i mean who cares moreover almost all Malaysian TV programmed is plagiarize from overseas such as Akademi Fantasia, Malaysian Idol, More Jutaria etc so why not. I believe it will inspired lots people especially big people i'm not kidding trust me.
I enjoyed watching this show because its really inspired me oppsss i'm not fat yet but i felt i'm getting bigger and biggest. I can see the changed of their lifestyle and figure that what important they look gorgeous and sexy. You will not believe that they are really big enormously big with their fat.
Apr 2, 2009
Addicted to "JAMU"
Now i'm married, it's hardly to meet Mbak that sell Jamu here in KL but lucky me my hubby found it at Gombak but unfortunately he just bought me 2 dozen and ask me to prepare at home because he already bought honey from sabah, wasting if we didn't use. Well, he said it's easy peasy just mix with 2 tablespoon of honey with a sachet i like to drink when they prepared not myself. Surprising me he silently drank fresh Jamu prepared by emmm man? that what he told me so i just believe la, Man sell Jamu sound a little ridiculous but he's my hubby what can i say....he drank that jamu mix with "telur ayam kampung" and other ingredient especially for man.
Sooooo i prepared my first handmade Jamu here the picture of mine Jamu...taadaa....

At first, i really can't stand with the smell. Even the smell can make me sound Yuckssss!!!!! and i already felt bitter in my throat gee what a bad smell really bad, to tell the truth i really can't drink this Jamu but when i see my hubby face and know how hard he try to make me health i drank with my eyes close. Glup...glups....glupsss GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! that was extremely bitter yucks...yuckssss and yucks huhuhu, mummy daddy help me. I can't believe i have to drank twice a days but suddenly i felt something good happen i felt more healthy and my stomach were not painful anymore. Now i can sleep well like baby, what an incredible because after that i can't wait to drank it even how bitter i am. My body are more healthier even there is still bleeding a little just a stain but no pains.
Right now, i already drank a dozen Jamu. It's for womb strengthen and shrinkage, tighten vaginal (tuttt....censored) and what important is to give more energy, ageless and slim hohohoho. I just want to share what is good because health is very important. You see, when I warded I see lots of women who are suffer various Gynecology & Obstetric disease and I believe these arise because they not aware with the neat care in our health. Believe me, I know the exact feeling when your husband help you this and that because you sicks and that make me useless. Useless means a lot especially women married, it's brings lot perspective and high percentage to get bitter honey you know what i mean right?. Of course, i'll not let that happen to me prevent is better than cure.
So dear family and friends take a good care for your health and took supplement so your body will not exhausted so do your husband he'll not get bored to take care you when you sick because man patience not same as women. Don't think your husband will take care of you if you sick even he is too good but later you'll sympathy to him.
Apr 1, 2009
April Fool......
We all also been fooled with the same joke, it's because Kak June live far from us and we rarely met that makes we excited and forgot about the fool day hihihihi ah well we busted. My Bg.Teck is one of my brothers that i really really close with, he always fool me and make me cry all the time but he the only one who helps me to get through my girlhood. He gave consultation for free right bro?, what to do and don't without him i maybe be tomboy thee hee hee just joking. He just know how to cheer people to death and he'll not wait first April to do it cause every day was April fool for him.
I remember one day, he bought a cake and waited the right time to imposed Bg.Nis, my other elder brother that very timid and obsess with madman and sheman. We took this opportunity because there is one crazy women that always came to our house, Bg. Nis was the only big brother at that time and responsible to take care us but we are too naughty and creative to teased him. We already planned everything, Bg.Teck go out through the window from my room then he sit in front of the door and start knocking. It's not a normal knocking but crazy knocking with female's voice, i still felt chuckle and funny because i can see Bg.Nis face very surprise and panic. He thought the crazy women came again so he quickly went to our parent's room and took daddy's rifle huahuahua he is so so frighten and prepared to shoot. I know i had to make move before he put bullet in and shoot so i pretend to panic and quickly open the door. When he saw me open the door he shout and angry, at the same time Bg.Teck enter with cake to surprise him muahahaha. The cake almost fell because Bg.Nis move forward to close back the door. The situation was very hilarious but at first we really felt sorry for him but only a short time then we laugh out loud (LOL).
Mar 25, 2009
HKL Wad 15 No.29
20/03/2009 FRIDAY
On 20 March 2009 Friday night,I experience a little bleeding. So, I and husband went to nearby clinic yeah the same clinic I carried out ultrasound, i cant believe the doctor was so blurred even my fail in front of him he still asking many question is this your first child, when your first day of last period month, ever do ultrasound, when the bleeding started etc well as far as i know all the information was in my fail except the bleeding but that's why i go to his clinic to ask why i'm bleeding and to prevent from getting worst. Why don't he study and read first before call me very frustrating i know that his job asking but i am in pain hello...are you blind?. I already told him about my bleeding and that was the first bleeding, about the motorcycle incident but he still doing nothing until i said i want to do ultrasound to check my baby condition. I'm 10 weeks pregnant, the screen show nothing....why i cant see my baby? the doctor said maybe it's still too small but where the heartbeat i know i'm not doctor but i'm not dumb at least a spot with beat. Well what can i say his the doctor just follow what he said. The doctor gave me medicine to strengthen womb to prevent miscarriage.
22/03/2009 SUNDAY
I took the medicine till Sunday morning (22 March 2009) but my bleeding getting worst so we went to KL General Hospital go straight to emergency. I have to open fail first since i bought my clinic's book from KKIA the works seem easier cause they just took the information and ask what necessary. After that the nurse bought us to 1st floor and we wait for doctor to check me. Surprising me, the doctor that will examine me was a young Chinese man and i really embarrassed but the pain make me forget everything and of course i don't have choice. He ask me either i took any medicine, i said yes and gave him the medicine from the private clinic and he really in shock because the medicine only for women who have been experience miscarriage a couple times but not for women with first pregnancy. I'm not supposed to took that medicine but i did i took 4 pills, after this i'll not go to private clinic they will gave any pills without think the impact and causes the patient will face. For GOD sake, what they concern is money in and they give solution, consultations and medicine to their patient so greedy i'll not go to private clinic anymore. The young doctor advise me if any happen in future don't go to private clinic just go to HKL. There are so many test i faced and i cant described how painful the inspection especially the long scan thing and the triangle look alike funnel but more bigger. I don't know their name but i really hate both. The result? I have to stay in hospital for a couple days cause the doctor and specialist can't decided either miscarriage or Ectopic Pregnancy. I cant believe cause both of them will give negative effect in our live and change back everything that we already planned. I'll lose our first baby what i'm gonna tell my hubby, my family, my parent-in-law???? this morning my sister Nabila just giving birth to baby boy name Fauzan Nasrullah if i told them i'll ruined their happiness and mummy will sad.
When i warded, my hubby was the busiest person after register me he had sms everyone to tell them about my condition my brother Jun, my bestfriend Ana, My Officemate especially Afi and his family maybe. Around 6.30pm My bestfriend Ana with her husband Mizi came visit me. I was happy at least i don't have time to think about losing our baby, miscarriage or operation for ectopic. They stayed till visiting time finished at 7.30pm. Thanks ana that's really help to ease my pain, so what now my hubby cant stay and accompany me cause only women allowed plus it's still really early to leave me, My hubby was too sad to leave me so he stay till 9.00pm and went to buy my toiletries and slippers back again at 10.00pm just awhile because the Mak Guard came to warning all visitor to leave the ward. I got message from Afi, she and aisyah will visit me tomorrow after tender briefing. Thanks friend at least tomorrow i'll have a visitor to kill time. I felt the night very long, i cant sleep my abdomen is excruciating i called the doctor and again she check me using only the funnel thing gosh even now i still remember the painful. I back to my bed and try to sleep, suddenly the higher doctor came to recheck me and ordered the staff nurse to gave me pain killer pill. Still painful but i can sleep.
23/03/2009 MONDAY
I woke up around 6.00am, when i stand up i felt something big chunk go out and I feel relief cause the pain disappeared but deep down my mind told me that this maybe part of the fetus and i know already that i lost our baby. I went to toilet take a bath and put the thing in plastic and after that i gave it to staff nurse and later she send to lab for confirmation. Oh gosh what else will i face operation or dilatation & curettage (D & C), just wait the result from lab and specialist action. Around 8.00am i took my breakfast even the doctor warn me to fasting huahuahua i really hungry and 8.30am the specialist came along with 5 doctors to check my condition and i told him about what happened this early morning and he ask me to prepare for another scanning and cervix check. OMG i have to face the long scan and funnel thing again arghhhh do i have any choice? The specialist told me i experience incomplete miscarriage, that's mean i'll do the D&C. What a relief at least it's not ectopic i cant imagine to have only one Fallopian tube but i still scared to think of D&C.
My hubby came bring bun and news paper he accompany me until 1.00pm, he ask my permission to leave early for lunch but i know it's just a good excuses to leave me because he cant stand to see me for the D&C procedure. After awhile then my officemate Afi and Aisyah came and we chit chat as usual i share everything the experience i been through. They gave me a good support and advise since they are the last person i see before i went to D&C, my heartbeat getting fast and the journey to the room was very long cause we need an ambulance to go there and when we arrive two women just finished their operation and another two waiting including me....i'm the last person for today. I remember K.Aini said that it's okay we felt nothing during the procedures that's true i felt nothing what i realize they woke me up when i arrive at my bed and i changed my cloth back and rest. I just felt pain when urinate gee what the pain. When i back i saw my hubby smiling i really miss him i know he too sensitive so i just pretend that everything ok no need to worry i'm fine now. Tonight i'll sleep like snow white.
24/03/2009 SELASA
As usual at 8.30am specialist came along with 5 doctors to recheck my condition i lie them i told no more blood so they released me as early noon, i'm so excited now i can go back home, rest peaceful and i can watch Merlin but as safety if i had flu or bleeding more i must back to HKL. At 1.00pm my hubby came and we back home, Home Sweet Home....Insyallah i'll be fine and alright to whole family and friends thank for all the support and advise. Especially My Hubby thanks for always be my side, concern my healthy, ease my pain, cheering me, help me to pass difficult moments and the most important matter he doesn't care about losing our baby he just want me safe and health. I know how much the baby mean for us, i know he really want child and i know he must be really sad but he didn't show it he just smile all day happy that i'm home. Thanks again my love, i love you, i love you so much.
Mar 12, 2009
The incident happened very fast, my last thing remember was we were laying on the ground and being dragged 2 meter. I moving fast cause i'm worried there will be a cars behind since we had just through traffic light. Well, we know how fast the car will accelerate to release traffic light especially when the light turn yellow to red....if we not get up quick we'll get more injured than now but lucky us there're no cars fuhhh....what a relief.
My hubby want to faint but I could not let he unconscious, it is first aid basics "Do not ever let your victim unconscious" but later i faint in clinic during the nurse wash my wound it's a good timing isn't it?. My hubby got a big hole in his elbow, me? I got too but only a tiny one in my elbow and knee the rest only scratched it was very painful. I know it'll swollen tomorrow but the doctor gave us 2 days leave and we can rest at home. I thought i'll not go to work till next monday. I know my boss will get angry very angry but who cares i know how painful i am and i still need rest..........
Mar 4, 2009
MoRe MoRe MoRe

Lets count the latest numbers for my family
1. Angeiana + Alimjin (3 daughters + 4 sons)
*2 grand daughters
2. Siti Ratna + Abd. Raup (2 daughters + 4 sons)
*1 grand son
3. Mohd.Iskandar + Zainab (5 daughters + 1 sons)
4. Mohd.Azim + Siti Lalia (3 daughters + 2 sons)
5. Julaini + Kilyn (2 daughters + 1 sons)
6. Nuralina + Shahrin (4 daughters + 2 sons)
7. Nabila + Ajmain (5 daughters :( sons) coming soon.......
8. Mohd.Syaifudin + Rashidah (1 daughter + 1 son)
9. Fatin Nazuha + Hadafi (Coming soon.........)
Total (grand daughters = 25 and sons = 15) = 40
Total (great grand daughters = 2 and great grandson = 1) = 3
My BIG BIG Family
Mar 3, 2009
Bands in Malaysia
1. Search
2. Wings
3. Freedom
4. Lefthanded
5. Sweet Charity
6. Black Dog Bone
7. Blackrose
8. May
9. Alleycats
10. Carefree
11. Bloodshed
12. Visa
13. 4U2C
14. Candy
15. AToZ
16. 2BY2
17. Legacy
Feb 27, 2009
The Nanny and Early Edition
I also watch the first episode of Early Edition last week, it's just so enjoying and fun. But i still wondering where the hell of the news paper come from? They can predict tomorrow life, oh well is just drama right?
Feb 26, 2009
Busy weekdays.........
What should i say, my friends suppose happy to hear my pregnant news right? but i guess she is not my friend after all coz i didn't heard a sound of joy from the way she act. What i heard is a voice to plead me not to take a leave why? because someone will get angry. What a people, when you have an experience of pregnancy please please do not act like a doctor even a doctor ask me to register my name and you ask me to wait 3 months? Shame on you....If something happen is not you misery or bear the effect it is me and me.
Sometimes....i dont know the meaning of friends.....i thought when we work together we're friend but i know now even you work with them they're not friend..........but it is friends when they care and concern about you.........Thanks friends for being my friend...........A Friend In need Is A Friend Indeed....
Feb 20, 2009
So Hot!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 19, 2009
TV Shows
I wake up early everyday (except weekends) because i want to watch EE and i'll back early with same reason i want to watch EE imagine it's the same episode same story. Somebody STOP ME!!!!! I'm addicted to this drama...Well don't worry cause start today 19/02/2009 EE change to 8.00am that's mean my schedule will change too.....There's nothing special to wake up early i mean really really early. I hope ASTRO will changed the time back or early than that, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope TN will remain and unchanged, I like to watch this drama because it remind my childhood. I learn English from this drama, their accent, pronunciation and simple word with malay subtitle it really helpful till now. SS is an action-adventure television show, three female convicted felons who were incarcerated for electronic crimes ("DD"), con tricks ("Cassie")and battery ("Shane") get paroled out of prison in exchange for work as secret operatives for the US government. With their action, expertise in respective field, intelligence with beauty, stubbornness and madness it so fun and enjoy, i recommend you to watch it.
HOUSE? You know Dr House the brilliant but cranky. He leads an elite medical team to solve bizarre illnesses and save lives despite his own constant physical pain. Besides his crazy character, impossible solution, absurd but ultimately successful conclusion he had rescue many lives. Well nobody perfect :) sometimes he wrong too. Psych.....i addict with this drama when I still living with my brother house in Labuan but it's so long that ASTRO didn't play this drama so frustrating. DH and friends both an American television comedy-drama series well i just like to watch this drama compare to other drama especially The Guardian. Really bored and hate like a hell.
Feb 18, 2009
What The Hell!!!!!
For a year since i started working at tutt........ i keep thinking and thinking and now still thinking. I just can't believe that there is a person and to be exact boss that just sooooooooo egoist plus stupid and idiot (they're brothers), he think that he always right (even i know that boss always right) but as a matter of fact he is not. To be honest i never heard anything about him as others people know especially from UTM but i familiar with the company name so i try apply, they call me for an interview but i was at Labuan so i cant attend but after 6 months i tried again for the second time, it's happen after my graduation day maybe it has been written since ancient that I'll work with this company....they called for second interview.....i succeed and here i now working under such fierce boss so annoying but thanks Allah i've a great team to work with. I really want to say million thanks to my team without you all i was nothing and useless.
I'm fade up working here but i don't have any choice (or do i have?), i've a very high EQ you know....i thought if i resign who will help my friends here i just cant imagine how they working without me (hahaha so so). Why on earth a person like this man exist, where he come from? Is he an alien? or an animal emmm i prefer to choose an evil. Why? if i do a list for that answer i've to stay all night long and i'll not waste my time and energy for man like him even animal too good to compare with. In short, i can describe him as a person that uncivilized, narrow thinking, sellfish, boast opulently, like welsh, like to embarrassing himself and most obvious kick around. Reason? Emmm well if he has IQ EQ and even SQ he'll never question why some parents cant gave their children luxury, buy expensive stuff, bought a car, give a good education and better environment. He'll never frustrate why some student cant afford to buy a laptop or PC, and study oversea. Remember, not all people are lucky to be born in wealthy family like he and his children. Besides, he should thankful cause we are here working in his company to make he rich and richer. Hey, we are working more than we suppose too, we sincere and no objection but he thought we work for MONEY???Is that all he can think MONEY??? Hello...can he live RM1900 monthly?I bet he cant...Go To Hell, where are his EQ? He think he'll go to heaven for all the contribution he gave and all ustaz to hell? Only ALLAH can decide not him....he have no right.
I felt pity for him....first when i worked here i adore and respect him very much and salute for his knowledge and confident but the more i know him the more i hate him and less respect and now NO RESPECT....sorry to said i've no respect to him even as a HUMAN....right now i just bolayan and do what he want me to do....
Feb 16, 2009
Another Blog
Thank you for your support and attention
Love you all.....
Feb 14, 2009
Activities.......Thaipusam hahahaha

Ini la aktiviti sempena cuti Thaipusam....Berjalan-jalan area KL dengan sepupu hadafi, Khalid dan Sukma (GF). First destinasi ke Low Yat lepas tu g Times Square tgk wayang....tu first and last la tgk citer Ong Bak 2 menyakitkan jantung n menyilukan hati je, hampir 60% adalah aksi tutup mata hahahaha terukkan :). Anyway ending citer tu amatla menduka citakan pendek kata BAIK JANGAN TONTON!!!!!.
Sebenarnya taklah sangat dapat jalan-jalan sb dua tempat tu je dpt p biasanya kami berdua jalan2 banyak tempat. Tasik Titiwangsa, Tugu Negara, Muzium Negara, Mid Valley, Makan Cendol Pakcik Wahab, Tgk keta dan yang paling favourite place kan Cyber Cafe di Taman Melati. Sometimes kan berkali-kali p tempat yg sama pun tak bosan :)....
Feb 7, 2009
Daily Schedule
6.00-6.30 am -> Wake Up
6.30-7.00 am -> Body Cleaning
7.00-8.00 am -> Watch Early Edition (In the same time i do Ironing Clothes, prepare hot drinks, breakfast and others regular wives do...think!!!!)
8.00-8.10 am -> Pakai tudung la
8.10-8.25 am -> Go to work....and that's why i owez got red color in my punch card coz sometime i arrive at office 8.31 to 8.35.
5.55-6.30 pm -> Home sweet home, sometimes it can be at 7.30 pm to 8.00 pm if i've meeting or work to done.
6.30-7.00 pm -> Watch Early Edition again (well i addicted to this story)
7.00-8.00 pm -> Watch The Nanny....I cant remember how many times i watch this sitcom
8.00-8.30 pm -> Body Cleaning
8.30-10.30 pm -> Dine outside and "jalan-jalan makan angin"
10.30-12.30 pm -> Watching Television
12.30 -> ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................
Tomorrow will be the same..........But weekend will be different.....
Feb 5, 2009
Mr brother owez advice me to keep money for emergency case and saving but till now i cant do what he said. How i can keep money when i need them for living (dine outside and dhoby). I tried to managed my life and hope i can save some....just wait
Feb 3, 2009
Meeting Meeting Meeting
Neway, EQ tu ialah Emotional Quotient dimana ia melibatkan tahap mana kesedaran atau sensitivity kita dengan orang sekeliling (dengan kata lain jadilah busybody hahaha ), IQ plak Intelligent Quotient ni lebih kepada kepandaian atau kepakaran untuk busybody tu supaya nampak positif dan lastly, SQ iaitu Spiritual Quotient dimana roh dan jiwa kita menutupi kedua-dua EQ dan IQ maka yang nampak ada seseorang yang baik dan boleh menjadi pendengar yang setia juga bersedia membantu sesiapa sahaja yang bermasalah. Well......kalau ada sesiapa yang tak bersetuju saya faham sebab tu bukanlah penerangan yang sebenar, sekiranya kita mendalami apa itu IQ, EQ dan SQ dan mengamalkan secara seimbang saya yakin andalah seorang yang sempurna di mata manusia.
Jan 29, 2009
Damn Busy......
Jan 27, 2009
Gong Xi Fa Cai
Jan 26, 2009
My First Blogger
This is my first posting blog even though I had create this account 2 week ago. At first i thought it was very difficult but lastly i manage to arrange it. It was my brother Syaifudin that responsible to trigger my spirit to complete this blog. Well since child i use to follow everything he does silently, he is my idol.