Dec 22, 2010
Another action from Awis
Smile you on candid camera......
Oppssss....this pictures wrong la mummy but i look cute hohoho (mummy quote)
Dec 21, 2010
My naughty son
Hi they i guess i hadn't update this blog for the last two week....don't enough time to write so i took my office time to shared just a few pictures.
FYI, my son will be 10 months this 23 Dec 2010 and he being very naughty lately. He acts like he can walk and speak like he can talk but end with bubbling hohoho.... but that the most i miss when in the office. I miss him a lot and suddenly laughing when he came to my mind.
FYI, my son will be 10 months this 23 Dec 2010 and he being very naughty lately. He acts like he can walk and speak like he can talk but end with bubbling hohoho.... but that the most i miss when in the office. I miss him a lot and suddenly laughing when he came to my mind.
Dec 6, 2010
Oct 27, 2010
Look My Lil' Son....
What a wonderful being a mom, just want to be with him every sec. What i hate the most is the time running very fast spending a whole 2 days (Weekend) with him seem not enough arrrgghhhhh..........
I have a few video to share......
I have a few video to share......
It's really fun watching his behaviour......dont you think?
Oct 20, 2010
Wah...perasan tak tarikh arini? 20 10 2010....cantik kan emmm kalau la i masih pregnant confirm nk bersalin arini tp jam 2010 (8.10 mlm) hehehe br best gilerrrrrr tp yelah in my dream hohohoho....
Pepepun i nk wat something best at 8.10 tonight.....emmmm apa ek???? esok la sambung hehehe to be cont..... Neway just nk share tarikh best ni dengan gambar studio hari raya 2010 with my Hubby and dearly Son Darwisy....

Aug 24, 2010
Missing in my blog
After delivery I am very lazy to write in my blog i just wite a few or couples word :D...Actually there is so many thing happen to my life so i would like to share what is missing:
17 Februray 2010
My stomach was very painful, i'm very scared since i've another 3 weeks from my due opsss there a blood OMG i'm not ready yet but still my hubby sent me to the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur (MHKL). i've to pass an hour registration and after that they sent me to the checking room. What? Already 2 cm, so i'm admit to the ward dag dig dug ..... uraghhhhhh Owh already 5 am but the ward seem busy the patient went to bathroom the nurse check etc... Breakfast time...and the checking time...well it still open 2 cm so they released me out. Thank Allah....Resttttttttt
22 February 2010
Nothing happen no pain no no hubby with his hobby lepaking with friends at Gombak but still as usual i'll text him to back home early just for security and safety hehehehe He text back ok Abang dalam perjalanan balik.... We watch Micheal Jackson Concert and Ice AGe 3 with Jojo the cat.
23 February 2010
Suddenly at 12.30am my hubby said...
Abang: Meh la Abang hantar g HKL esok traffic Jam kang klu nk bersalin payah tak pasal-pasal bersalin dalam kereta huhuhu...I'm very surprise well since i didnt felt any pain how can he sent me to the HKL. I reply back...
Me: Ayang tak sakit la camna nk g HKL kang kena marah xde sakit nk duk wad...xnk la...
Abang: La xpela abang yg bayar bil bukan diorang pun...siap jelah abang antar ayang ckp la sakit . Xpe diorang pun faham tu...
Me: Okla...Jom kang esok Abang g kerja xde sapa kt umah lagi takot hehehe hubby drive to the MHKL, registration took almost 2 hour finished at 4.00am. Thay admit me again after the doctor said it already 5 cm huhu . But this time i'm ready dag dig dug soon i'll become mummy soon i know how painful to deliver baby soon soon soon...cannot think its too painful.
4.15am at my bed i'm crying to loud cant stand anymore crying till the nurse came and told she will bring me to labour room. She took my hp and asked me to call my hubby for company me inside the labour room. My Hubby just arrived at home and using motorcycle back to the hosp but unlucky him the police not allowed him so he just wait downfloor.
Gosh...its too painful even it only about hour and the half felt like 24 hours in pain i cry loud and making noisy during that time even they gave me oxygen to shut my mouth but still cant stop me hehehe. At 6.12am they said the time has i push push push this time no pain maybe i just want my baby out afraid he will drown the third time i hold my breath very deep and with all my left energy i push till the baby out...i heard Azan and my baby out thanks Allah......Gee what a feeling when they gave my lil baby to my arm and i hug baby...hehehe what funny i count his finger to make sure it perfect hehehe the baby was very white no blood emmmm really no blood only emmm its like a wet powder ah yes Bedak Sejuk in all his body. They took him for further checking and monitoring. Me? its sewing time.
Ahhh before i forgot during the sewing time my friend/officemate called my hp ringing hohoho the doctor said whose hp that hehehe...sorry Afi i cant pick the hp. Its took almost an hour to finish and i've to stay untill 9.00 am because i'm bleeding i loss 600 ml blood they afraid it'll cause death. My hubby already visit our little baby boy. He really worry about me since no one company me but it ok my dear.
I almost faint in the bathroom but i manage to get out ask help from the nurse they help me to my bed using wheelchair. O my my now i know how hard it is...Thanks mummy for all you have done to me....I only can met my son at 6.30 pm Happy to hold and hug him....thank hubby for everything. And thanks to my mother in law even she sick she still came to take care me. Thanks alot.
24 February 2010
They released us at 7.30pm after my lil baby poo. Home Sweet Home
26 February 2010
On Maulidur Rasul public holiday my xcoursemate came Ana&mizi, Aisyah&Ed, Amad&Lia thanks for coming and the present to.
1 March 2010
We back Taiping, pantang kt taiping no stories just an ordinary story life of pantang.
28 March 2010
Cukur Jambul and Naik Buai...busy busy busy
30 March 2010
Back KL, yeah Home sweet home.
17 Februray 2010
My stomach was very painful, i'm very scared since i've another 3 weeks from my due opsss there a blood OMG i'm not ready yet but still my hubby sent me to the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur (MHKL). i've to pass an hour registration and after that they sent me to the checking room. What? Already 2 cm, so i'm admit to the ward dag dig dug ..... uraghhhhhh Owh already 5 am but the ward seem busy the patient went to bathroom the nurse check etc... Breakfast time...and the checking time...well it still open 2 cm so they released me out. Thank Allah....Resttttttttt
22 February 2010
Nothing happen no pain no no hubby with his hobby lepaking with friends at Gombak but still as usual i'll text him to back home early just for security and safety hehehehe He text back ok Abang dalam perjalanan balik.... We watch Micheal Jackson Concert and Ice AGe 3 with Jojo the cat.
23 February 2010
Suddenly at 12.30am my hubby said...
Abang: Meh la Abang hantar g HKL esok traffic Jam kang klu nk bersalin payah tak pasal-pasal bersalin dalam kereta huhuhu...I'm very surprise well since i didnt felt any pain how can he sent me to the HKL. I reply back...
Me: Ayang tak sakit la camna nk g HKL kang kena marah xde sakit nk duk wad...xnk la...
Abang: La xpela abang yg bayar bil bukan diorang pun...siap jelah abang antar ayang ckp la sakit . Xpe diorang pun faham tu...
Me: Okla...Jom kang esok Abang g kerja xde sapa kt umah lagi takot hehehe hubby drive to the MHKL, registration took almost 2 hour finished at 4.00am. Thay admit me again after the doctor said it already 5 cm huhu . But this time i'm ready dag dig dug soon i'll become mummy soon i know how painful to deliver baby soon soon soon...cannot think its too painful.
4.15am at my bed i'm crying to loud cant stand anymore crying till the nurse came and told she will bring me to labour room. She took my hp and asked me to call my hubby for company me inside the labour room. My Hubby just arrived at home and using motorcycle back to the hosp but unlucky him the police not allowed him so he just wait downfloor.
Gosh...its too painful even it only about hour and the half felt like 24 hours in pain i cry loud and making noisy during that time even they gave me oxygen to shut my mouth but still cant stop me hehehe. At 6.12am they said the time has i push push push this time no pain maybe i just want my baby out afraid he will drown the third time i hold my breath very deep and with all my left energy i push till the baby out...i heard Azan and my baby out thanks Allah......Gee what a feeling when they gave my lil baby to my arm and i hug baby...hehehe what funny i count his finger to make sure it perfect hehehe the baby was very white no blood emmmm really no blood only emmm its like a wet powder ah yes Bedak Sejuk in all his body. They took him for further checking and monitoring. Me? its sewing time.
Ahhh before i forgot during the sewing time my friend/officemate called my hp ringing hohoho the doctor said whose hp that hehehe...sorry Afi i cant pick the hp. Its took almost an hour to finish and i've to stay untill 9.00 am because i'm bleeding i loss 600 ml blood they afraid it'll cause death. My hubby already visit our little baby boy. He really worry about me since no one company me but it ok my dear.
I almost faint in the bathroom but i manage to get out ask help from the nurse they help me to my bed using wheelchair. O my my now i know how hard it is...Thanks mummy for all you have done to me....I only can met my son at 6.30 pm Happy to hold and hug him....thank hubby for everything. And thanks to my mother in law even she sick she still came to take care me. Thanks alot.
24 February 2010
They released us at 7.30pm after my lil baby poo. Home Sweet Home
26 February 2010
On Maulidur Rasul public holiday my xcoursemate came Ana&mizi, Aisyah&Ed, Amad&Lia thanks for coming and the present to.
1 March 2010
We back Taiping, pantang kt taiping no stories just an ordinary story life of pantang.
28 March 2010
Cukur Jambul and Naik Buai...busy busy busy
30 March 2010
Back KL, yeah Home sweet home.
Aug 16, 2010
Being a mom is sooooooo hard....
So many months i didnt update my blog...busy???!!!! yes i'm very busy...being a mommy i'm wondering how my mummy manage to handle 9 childrens even mine only one cannot handle.'s not about my baby but it was me...myself. My baby was good even people surrounding will puzzle and question why my baby didnt cry and sometimes they said wah....i dont care to have million childs if my son behave like this.... my baby will played with his toy and sometimes looking at me and smile. He only cry when hungry and sleepy, he so like me....if i want to sleep i'll sleep so when he sleepy even his papa vacuum the whole house he in a deep sleep.
There is one day we went to Suria FM concert, he sleep even with a loud music,
When travel/balik kg, once we get in the car he will cry to i didnt have problem to travel even it took 4 - 5 hours journey :D....but well i still cannot manage my time to handle all (housework and baby). So i've to choose either one huhuhu but dont worry i'll try to learn and learn hehehehe
There is one day we went to Suria FM concert, he sleep even with a loud music,
When travel/balik kg, once we get in the car he will cry to i didnt have problem to travel even it took 4 - 5 hours journey :D....but well i still cannot manage my time to handle all (housework and baby). So i've to choose either one huhuhu but dont worry i'll try to learn and learn hehehehe
Jul 12, 2010
May 19, 2010
Apr 26, 2010
My Precious Asyraf Darwisy
Happy to be a Mummy...officially
Name: Asyraf Darwisy Bin Hadafi Born on 23 February 2010.....6.13am At Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur
There is no good explanation than a pictures......
Name: Asyraf Darwisy Bin Hadafi Born on 23 February 2010.....6.13am At Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur
There is no good explanation than a pictures......
Feb 15, 2010
My Holiday Start
Whoaaa.....can imagine i already 9 months pregnant huhuhuhu now my 2 months holiday had started. But i thought it's not the right time in the right months since there will be two benchmarking in a short time and i cant help my friends for the preparation and plus too many tender to submit (just the the best one)...i'm really really sorryyyyy. But well you all still can contact me, i'll pick up the phone as long as i'm not in the labor room :D.
Soon i'll be mommy and hope i can be a good mommy just like my mummy. Thanks mummy for all you gave to me. Thanks Daddy for everything you have done to me i'll not forget it. Thanks Sisters and Brothers for being my siblings and the most trillion thanks to Allah for the precious gift, i'll be a good, better, best mommy that she/he want.
Soon i'll be mommy and hope i can be a good mommy just like my mummy. Thanks mummy for all you gave to me. Thanks Daddy for everything you have done to me i'll not forget it. Thanks Sisters and Brothers for being my siblings and the most trillion thanks to Allah for the precious gift, i'll be a good, better, best mommy that she/he want.
Jan 15, 2010
Happy New Year 2010
Hehehe even dah terlambat 15 hari tp still masih new year la.....Sibuk sangat menyiapkan tender sampai lupa nk update blog.....Rasa penat sangat especially tengah2 sarat ni macam dah tak larat nk kerja. Kalau Gomen dh lama ambik cuti tp sebab kan swasta kena la tahan......
Dalam minggu ni je kena submit 6 tender huhuhu..... cuti bersalin start after chinese new year masuk keje 3 May 2010 fuyooooooooo bestnya. Tu jelah yang mampu nk cover bila memikirkan bnyk keje.
Anyway Happy New Year 2010....Tahun ni dapat Hadiah yang paling best ....BABY.....Nama ada ada tp tgu dia kuar dulu hehehe.........
Dalam minggu ni je kena submit 6 tender huhuhu..... cuti bersalin start after chinese new year masuk keje 3 May 2010 fuyooooooooo bestnya. Tu jelah yang mampu nk cover bila memikirkan bnyk keje.
Anyway Happy New Year 2010....Tahun ni dapat Hadiah yang paling best ....BABY.....Nama ada ada tp tgu dia kuar dulu hehehe.........
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