The Party Begin...........
On June 12th we (of course me and Afi) celebrated our birthday's party at office. Since our boss was not around we took this opportunity to celebrate in meeting's room. At first, we just want to celebrate at our floor but then someone had to answered the phone so to make it fair and with Kak Azah permission we use meeting's room as our party venue.I cant believe at this age (not too old tau!!!) i'll celebrating my birthday with friends at office even it is just a small party but it really touched my heart to see all the preparation made and a big thanks to Miss Aisyah that sincerely sponsored Bluberry Cheese Cake...(Nyummy Nyummy...Delicious). Well, actually we're all prefer Chocolate Cake but since this little girl name Afi can't eat any flavour made from chocolate we choose cheese instead.
And friends thanks for all helps and supported...........enjoyed