Confuse with my issue today? Well, early this morning when we was set to office and while my hubby want to lock the door our indian neighbour that pass by suddenly stop and told us about our chinese neighbour's wife just passed away a week ago. Gosh...we were really surprise because we didn't heard any noise or saw crowded people in their house. What kind neighbour we are? Didn't know what happen never alert anything weird and of course do nothing well at least we visit them right, wish condolence and felt sorry for their loss.
I felt useless being a person that know nothing and do nothing. I didn't know well all my neighbour we just rent this house and still unfamiliar so i didn't feel too guilty moreover i never knew they name and never spoke with them. It relieves me but still deep inside my heart i questioned to myself "What kind neighbour we are? "
May 28, 2009
May 27, 2009
Consultant? Hell No......
It's been a while emmm about a week i didn't update anything in my blog. I'm very busy with my work at office and when i'm back home i just too tired to wrote anything but i never skipped to take care my Neopets ( Fyi, i have 4 four neopets the elder baby8681 (unicorn-female), second BbyEy (Eyrie-male), third Bby_wee (Xweetok-male) and the youngest Bby_Zafa (Zafara-female). Well, in part time i also taking care my hubby neopets epi5083 (Kougra-male) and Baby_Bor (Bori-female). When i told him about my neopets he also want to have one but the fact is i'm the want to look them. It fun because i can play game to earn NP and sometime i can get free stuffs and food.
Alright then lets forget about my neopets, i means who care about my pets anyway hahaha just a little introduction you all can have one thee hee hee. Back to the main issue, lately there are many upcoming tender and projects, my team have to separate into two small team (team for consultancy and projects, i'm in projects team with my friend) two persons in each team. It's very difficult to work with only two persons and plus with our BB, i told you sometimes it end with nothing and we will do all the works. My team separate for about 4 months before our BB reorganized and ask the projects team to help in certain volume. Hell no...hihihi honestly i hate to write and thinking hate to push my brain to works. But felt sorry to consultancy team, the two of them work really hard and no one help them so i rethink why not help them because there so many works to be done plus of course i will claim for my works hihihihi business minded.
So my new CV will have consultant experience and of course tender and marketing hahahaha full list of experienced. I have variety experienced since i works here there are geospatial, remote sensing, land surveying, tender & marketing, short course & training and lastly consultancy. Just imagine only one and half year i had so many experiences in many field in one company. Tell you if you want to have all this experienced without working here you need to work in 6 different companies and maybe takes about 3 to 5 years working experience. But only the strong person enable to works here, the person must have a very high IQ, EQ and SQ hahahaha don't forget to have a very high patience level and have dunno behavior so you may just make some issue or all matter gone with the wind hihihi
Alright then lets forget about my neopets, i means who care about my pets anyway hahaha just a little introduction you all can have one thee hee hee. Back to the main issue, lately there are many upcoming tender and projects, my team have to separate into two small team (team for consultancy and projects, i'm in projects team with my friend) two persons in each team. It's very difficult to work with only two persons and plus with our BB, i told you sometimes it end with nothing and we will do all the works. My team separate for about 4 months before our BB reorganized and ask the projects team to help in certain volume. Hell no...hihihi honestly i hate to write and thinking hate to push my brain to works. But felt sorry to consultancy team, the two of them work really hard and no one help them so i rethink why not help them because there so many works to be done plus of course i will claim for my works hihihihi business minded.
So my new CV will have consultant experience and of course tender and marketing hahahaha full list of experienced. I have variety experienced since i works here there are geospatial, remote sensing, land surveying, tender & marketing, short course & training and lastly consultancy. Just imagine only one and half year i had so many experiences in many field in one company. Tell you if you want to have all this experienced without working here you need to work in 6 different companies and maybe takes about 3 to 5 years working experience. But only the strong person enable to works here, the person must have a very high IQ, EQ and SQ hahahaha don't forget to have a very high patience level and have dunno behavior so you may just make some issue or all matter gone with the wind hihihi
May 19, 2009
Calling for an Interview.....
Today were my first interview after many times applied for government job, the post for Jurukur Gred J41 at Perbadanan Putrajaya. The interview started at 8.00am but we arrived at 8.15am gosh we are really late (WE = I and Hubby), well....we rush to 2nd floor and taa daa all the candidates was concentrate answering papers. What an exam? I'm stunned i'm not ready to answer any question since i know i'm not enough prepared for any exam especially land matter. There are two types of question Objective and Subjective. Objective question only YA (Y) or TIDAK (T), it's more to our personality and for subjective there are lot of questions related to NLC. There are 8 questions:-
1. Define Land (5min)
2. What is sub-divided and partition (10min)
3. There are almost 200 law in Land administration name a few of them.(5min)
4. Software use in mapping and land survey (5min)
5. Differentiate between RSO and Cassini(10min)
6. Advantages for Landuse in Local Government decision making for planning purpose (10min)
7. What is Geographic Information System (GIS) (5min)
8. Software you familiar used in mapping (5min)
I know all the questions sound very easy but still I'm not confident with my answer. Is my luck or maybe Allah help me because i always work with all that matter but still unsure i just put some example/case study related to NLC and elaborate it. I really not confident since all the candidates look very professional and percentage to get this job very small.
As for the interview session, i a bit worried because my friend told me that my time was very short compared to the others and plus they (the interviewers) press the button just after i out. Why? as i remember the four candidates before me had about approximately 5 minutes before they time but me? only a few second. Just wondering if they didn't discussed anything about me or maybe i'm not suitable for that position since it's for surveyor and surveyor usually for man right? but there is a chances that i will in the short list well i don't know only Allah...huhuhu i really want that position please Allah make my wish come true Amin.
1. Define Land (5min)
2. What is sub-divided and partition (10min)
3. There are almost 200 law in Land administration name a few of them.(5min)
4. Software use in mapping and land survey (5min)
5. Differentiate between RSO and Cassini(10min)
6. Advantages for Landuse in Local Government decision making for planning purpose (10min)
7. What is Geographic Information System (GIS) (5min)
8. Software you familiar used in mapping (5min)
I know all the questions sound very easy but still I'm not confident with my answer. Is my luck or maybe Allah help me because i always work with all that matter but still unsure i just put some example/case study related to NLC and elaborate it. I really not confident since all the candidates look very professional and percentage to get this job very small.
As for the interview session, i a bit worried because my friend told me that my time was very short compared to the others and plus they (the interviewers) press the button just after i out. Why? as i remember the four candidates before me had about approximately 5 minutes before they time but me? only a few second. Just wondering if they didn't discussed anything about me or maybe i'm not suitable for that position since it's for surveyor and surveyor usually for man right? but there is a chances that i will in the short list well i don't know only Allah...huhuhu i really want that position please Allah make my wish come true Amin.
May 6, 2009
Shhhh.....It is a secret!!!!!
I have a secret but i will remained silent till the day come. Hihihi what was that? Ala...just kidding la i keep thinking and thinking what i want to write but i couldn't find one so i write something ridiculous.
Today, i attend another briefing tender at KKLW, Putrajaya. It such a long journey since afi cannot company me to go there because she had meeting for Labuan Corporation. An early morning at 6.45am i asked my hubby to send me to LRT Wangsa Maju Station, it's still early but i know how this station look like when it pass 7.15am very crowded with people and plus i don't know the schedule time for KLIA Express (ERL). As i remember last year, i late for meeting at MoA because i missed the ERL train so i thought it better early than late moreover i had time for breakfast.
During the briefing i have know idea what are they asked and talked about. Usually, i have friend to discuss with Afi or Aisyah or both but right know i just keep quiet and jot down what important. For that tender almost 20++ company came for briefing and i believe mostly are from technical part because they asked so detailed.
Today, i attend another briefing tender at KKLW, Putrajaya. It such a long journey since afi cannot company me to go there because she had meeting for Labuan Corporation. An early morning at 6.45am i asked my hubby to send me to LRT Wangsa Maju Station, it's still early but i know how this station look like when it pass 7.15am very crowded with people and plus i don't know the schedule time for KLIA Express (ERL). As i remember last year, i late for meeting at MoA because i missed the ERL train so i thought it better early than late moreover i had time for breakfast.
During the briefing i have know idea what are they asked and talked about. Usually, i have friend to discuss with Afi or Aisyah or both but right know i just keep quiet and jot down what important. For that tender almost 20++ company came for briefing and i believe mostly are from technical part because they asked so detailed.
May 5, 2009
KPLI...... i miss to write in my blog. Yesterday my dearest brother called me and the first thing he said are not update your blog!!!! why? i just laughing i thought he will not notice it but i guess i'm wrong sorry brother you really want to know how my life going on here?....first you should know about my life is i am very busy...i mean really really busy not kidding.
Emm actually today i attend an interview for KPLI this is the first interview after taken two KPLI's test hohoho i mildly surprise because i attend the MTEST three days after warded and without preparation. Thanks a million to my best friend Ana, she is the who one told me about the MTEST and result for interview. As i remember the first test, i did a lot preparations, bought many books and study hard but still failed so when i took this second test i really hopeless but in the same time felt relief because at least i try my best. With Allah will, they called me for an interview ta daa....i'm very happy but my friends didn't make it, they already appealed and Insyallah i believe and confident they will called them. Do not worry friend......
Well, many people said that when they call for an interview one leg already in so your chances was 50-50 just do the best during interview. It easy to say but when you face the situation you know what i mean. Maybe it's just me to felt like that but trust me just answer with confident and honest. Hikhik i have 50-50 chances when i passed the interview i'll share all my experience right now what can i say just do what you can and do not afraid after all they are homo sapiens thee hee human being la. They wont bite if you speak and there is no right or wrong just a test to know either you can speak or not.
Emm actually today i attend an interview for KPLI this is the first interview after taken two KPLI's test hohoho i mildly surprise because i attend the MTEST three days after warded and without preparation. Thanks a million to my best friend Ana, she is the who one told me about the MTEST and result for interview. As i remember the first test, i did a lot preparations, bought many books and study hard but still failed so when i took this second test i really hopeless but in the same time felt relief because at least i try my best. With Allah will, they called me for an interview ta daa....i'm very happy but my friends didn't make it, they already appealed and Insyallah i believe and confident they will called them. Do not worry friend......
Well, many people said that when they call for an interview one leg already in so your chances was 50-50 just do the best during interview. It easy to say but when you face the situation you know what i mean. Maybe it's just me to felt like that but trust me just answer with confident and honest. Hikhik i have 50-50 chances when i passed the interview i'll share all my experience right now what can i say just do what you can and do not afraid after all they are homo sapiens thee hee human being la. They wont bite if you speak and there is no right or wrong just a test to know either you can speak or not.
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