Yesterday i faced 2 big problems, at first it's start with good and in the middle become worst but then it turns back to good...fuh!!!! what a relief but as for me it was the worst of all day. Just imagine we moved from office at 7.30am to KLCC, i know it's sound silly because KLCC just 5km away but we really did. Why? because i'm afraid we will stucks in the middle way and when we arrive there no place to park. Sound risky right? that why i don't want that happen, i can imagine Mr.G face and omg Mr.M will get really angry to me....arrrggghhhhh so scared!!!!
As usual, the traffic was busy and the cars jammed but still we arrive early around 8am something and surprising me the parking lot almost full. We have a good place to park because it's near to exit. Well, firstly the very important thing to do breakfast!!!! urghhh.... starving...We smell food but cannot find the shop, we search inside KLCC from end to end till our foot,knee and heel in pain that's when i remember the food court at 3rd floor (if i'm not mistake la) or the 4th floor. We ate there, chit chat and starting gossip till around 10.00am because i promised with Mr.G to meet him at 10.30 before the meeting started.
This is where my problems start, i call P to tell them that we already arrive and will meet them as promise time but then He told me the meeting was canceled and he only inform that via email, where on earth he came from the important thing like that just canceled via email what an idiot man and very very stupid dupang, even secondary kid can think wisely. He can call me to canceled it right? i won't bite him, at first i thought maybe he such a very handsome gorgeous man with gentlemen voice so he afraid i'll fall but when i met him gee what a man i just can say it's the other side way huahuahua....lucky me the meeting still on well what can he say i force him because Mr.G came all the way from S'pore only to attend this meeting. So i'll make sure it happen...I Did Even In Negative Way but at least Mr.M dosen't know it. Settled, next we have to rush for another event Seminar at CC Hotel.
My second problem, we moved at 1.00pm from KLCC even the seminar start at early in the morning but we already inform them that we only managed to attend in the evening so we budget to arrive there at 2.00pm or 2.30pm. Gosh...i left my printed map at office and so do Dina the only we have is direction place with only road name in Dina's handwriting hahaha very funny but that the disaster we lost for about 3 hours. We asked so many people, policeman and taxi man but useless and last person we try to asked Dina BF's friend he help us he did but we still lost. From bright to cloudy to rain to storm and bright again, I already give-up but Dina still trying and last tried she call again her BF's friend and she follow really follow the detail direction and wa'lah the CC Hotel in front of my eyes.
We arrived there sharp 4.00pm but unfortunately the seminar already finished but we able to have afternoon tea. The people was very nice even we cannot attend on Q&A session. After that we follow this lady to their office to take our final payment since the project had finished. What a long day and as i said it end with happy ending. Uwaaaa Uwaaa I Beg For My Friends/Officemate/Team mates do not ever ever left me alone in office again......
Apr 15, 2009
Apr 8, 2009
I'm Feeling Much Better
Dear all family and friends, here the latest news, my healthy getting better and better so please do not worry wokey.... I can work as usual, tougher than before, sweeter than sugar, friendly as pigeon and happy than you hihihi.....
I'm happy for my brothers and sister, the latest information about my big big family is a new person in our family presenting My Sis Wan new baby boy. Congrats to her after many many years waiting a baby boy at last it ended with happing ending, sorry no picture but i'll post it later. Chop...chop.... another good news from my Bro Jun, his wife Kak Ida was Pregnant 8 weeks yeah...yeah... another family will come. Take a good care to Kak Ida tau bang...Soon Jiji will have a sister and of course abang will be big big brother more bigger than now hahaha Iman Hafiy the Big Boss.
I'm happy for my brothers and sister, the latest information about my big big family is a new person in our family presenting My Sis Wan new baby boy. Congrats to her after many many years waiting a baby boy at last it ended with happing ending, sorry no picture but i'll post it later. Chop...chop.... another good news from my Bro Jun, his wife Kak Ida was Pregnant 8 weeks yeah...yeah... another family will come. Take a good care to Kak Ida tau bang...Soon Jiji will have a sister and of course abang will be big big brother more bigger than now hahaha Iman Hafiy the Big Boss.
Apr 7, 2009
Back For Good
Today suppose my last holiday but since my boss always noisy because my long vacation leave so i come early a day. Moreover my boss threaten to give me 3 month leave without pay, i will not let that happen to me, i'm not insane million of people out there were searching for a job and another million people lose their job because this economy crisis. I must work hard even it's not worth but at least i worked hard.
First day, there is so many things to recall and to asking. My officemate helps me a lot and actually i felt pity and sorry for them because i left so many works to settle. Next week will be the busiest week even my boss outstation but i'm the only person to handle work for 4 days uwaaaa. Well i guess they all pay me back for leaving them 17 days hihihi just kidding la Afi and Sally good luck and take care hope both of you can work well at Labuan ok and Aisyah Happy Holiday, i'll miss you so much and opss opss don't forget my souvenir from Melbourne k.
Emmm Next Week i've to prepared for WEAVE demo at Petronas, Seminar BMS at Crystal Crown Hotel, presentation for FELCRA and JM works (JPS&TNB). I felt like the holiday i have before for this reason huahuahua really not kidding i tell you. The whole week equal the whole rest i took. Gosh...i'll miss the three of them really but it's ok i'll call Afi&Sally during lunch hour and Aisyah sorry i guess i'll just emmmm SMS nahh it'll cost rm1/sms calling? must be extremely expensive well the i just miss you la....
First day, there is so many things to recall and to asking. My officemate helps me a lot and actually i felt pity and sorry for them because i left so many works to settle. Next week will be the busiest week even my boss outstation but i'm the only person to handle work for 4 days uwaaaa. Well i guess they all pay me back for leaving them 17 days hihihi just kidding la Afi and Sally good luck and take care hope both of you can work well at Labuan ok and Aisyah Happy Holiday, i'll miss you so much and opss opss don't forget my souvenir from Melbourne k.
Emmm Next Week i've to prepared for WEAVE demo at Petronas, Seminar BMS at Crystal Crown Hotel, presentation for FELCRA and JM works (JPS&TNB). I felt like the holiday i have before for this reason huahuahua really not kidding i tell you. The whole week equal the whole rest i took. Gosh...i'll miss the three of them really but it's ok i'll call Afi&Sally during lunch hour and Aisyah sorry i guess i'll just emmmm SMS nahh it'll cost rm1/sms calling? must be extremely expensive well the i just miss you la....
Apr 6, 2009
Balik Kampung......
I can't believe after 3 months didn't back to taiping emmm since 10 Jan 2009 to be exact after our "Kenduri Kahwin". Why?...usual problem for married people. We back only for one night because my husband didn't want to take his annual leave, he had took many leave for March, furthermore his younger brother had to back for duty.
Well, the first reason we back is to see the situation for election day dan second to send my mother-in-law back home. Gosh....when we pass through Changkat Jering's Tol the scenery was very like place after war but not bomb it's a signboards, posters and banners, we can see here-there, up-down and everywhere. Gee even at night i can feel the tension and warmth for Bukit Gantang's Election.
When we back to KL, all along the road we can see many Polices Traffic busy with their duty to control the traffic, gang of bikers with flag, gang of bicyclist, cars and motorcycle parking at side of the road, people walking and there is one large area they build for temporary of police headquarter. I bet they must really scared to what happen before and afraid it will happen again, so right now they're more carefully and prepare anytime if something bad happen.
Well, the first reason we back is to see the situation for election day dan second to send my mother-in-law back home. Gosh....when we pass through Changkat Jering's Tol the scenery was very like place after war but not bomb it's a signboards, posters and banners, we can see here-there, up-down and everywhere. Gee even at night i can feel the tension and warmth for Bukit Gantang's Election.
When we back to KL, all along the road we can see many Polices Traffic busy with their duty to control the traffic, gang of bikers with flag, gang of bicyclist, cars and motorcycle parking at side of the road, people walking and there is one large area they build for temporary of police headquarter. I bet they must really scared to what happen before and afraid it will happen again, so right now they're more carefully and prepare anytime if something bad happen.
Apr 3, 2009
I'll be the next Biggest Loser
Hey friends and people out there...i'll be the next Biggest Loser huahuahua, right now i had to forget my favorite drama series Early Edition because i have new favorite TV Show The Biggest Loser. Usually started at 7.00pm daily but it moved to 6.30pm start on 2nd April and Nanny only take half an hour from its usual time.
I watched from season 1 till season 3 but i know right now they open participant for Season 8. Anyone interest? Oh..oww the deadline for submitting tapes and applications is today hihihi. Unfortunately only for U.S. resident, i think Malaysia should do this Reality TV. I know, there will be "Talks Back" but i mean who cares moreover almost all Malaysian TV programmed is plagiarize from overseas such as Akademi Fantasia, Malaysian Idol, More Jutaria etc so why not. I believe it will inspired lots people especially big people i'm not kidding trust me.
I enjoyed watching this show because its really inspired me oppsss i'm not fat yet but i felt i'm getting bigger and biggest. I can see the changed of their lifestyle and figure that what important they look gorgeous and sexy. You will not believe that they are really big enormously big with their fat.
I watched from season 1 till season 3 but i know right now they open participant for Season 8. Anyone interest? Oh..oww the deadline for submitting tapes and applications is today hihihi. Unfortunately only for U.S. resident, i think Malaysia should do this Reality TV. I know, there will be "Talks Back" but i mean who cares moreover almost all Malaysian TV programmed is plagiarize from overseas such as Akademi Fantasia, Malaysian Idol, More Jutaria etc so why not. I believe it will inspired lots people especially big people i'm not kidding trust me.
I enjoyed watching this show because its really inspired me oppsss i'm not fat yet but i felt i'm getting bigger and biggest. I can see the changed of their lifestyle and figure that what important they look gorgeous and sexy. You will not believe that they are really big enormously big with their fat.
Apr 2, 2009
Addicted to "JAMU"
When i teenager i used to drank Jamu and always bought Jamu cost RM1 per glass from this Mbak which mean Kak. I like to drank it cause i felt fresh all day long and plus it'll make me ageless and softening skin but i stopped when i get offer from UiTM Arau. I know i can just buy it but it'll not same as they prepared because they know the exact measure to mixture. Since then i didn't drank any but i'll not missed when i back to my hometown, Keningau. Of course is not the same person but i believe it'll the same ingredient if i told what kind Jamu i want.
Now i'm married, it's hardly to meet Mbak that sell Jamu here in KL but lucky me my hubby found it at Gombak but unfortunately he just bought me 2 dozen and ask me to prepare at home because he already bought honey from sabah, wasting if we didn't use. Well, he said it's easy peasy just mix with 2 tablespoon of honey with a sachet i like to drink when they prepared not myself. Surprising me he silently drank fresh Jamu prepared by emmm man? that what he told me so i just believe la, Man sell Jamu sound a little ridiculous but he's my hubby what can i say....he drank that jamu mix with "telur ayam kampung" and other ingredient especially for man.
Sooooo i prepared my first handmade Jamu here the picture of mine Jamu...taadaa....

At first, i really can't stand with the smell. Even the smell can make me sound Yuckssss!!!!! and i already felt bitter in my throat gee what a bad smell really bad, to tell the truth i really can't drink this Jamu but when i see my hubby face and know how hard he try to make me health i drank with my eyes close. Glup...glups....glupsss GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! that was extremely bitter yucks...yuckssss and yucks huhuhu, mummy daddy help me. I can't believe i have to drank twice a days but suddenly i felt something good happen i felt more healthy and my stomach were not painful anymore. Now i can sleep well like baby, what an incredible because after that i can't wait to drank it even how bitter i am. My body are more healthier even there is still bleeding a little just a stain but no pains.
Right now, i already drank a dozen Jamu. It's for womb strengthen and shrinkage, tighten vaginal (tuttt....censored) and what important is to give more energy, ageless and slim hohohoho. I just want to share what is good because health is very important. You see, when I warded I see lots of women who are suffer various Gynecology & Obstetric disease and I believe these arise because they not aware with the neat care in our health. Believe me, I know the exact feeling when your husband help you this and that because you sicks and that make me useless. Useless means a lot especially women married, it's brings lot perspective and high percentage to get bitter honey you know what i mean right?. Of course, i'll not let that happen to me prevent is better than cure.
So dear family and friends take a good care for your health and took supplement so your body will not exhausted so do your husband he'll not get bored to take care you when you sick because man patience not same as women. Don't think your husband will take care of you if you sick even he is too good but later you'll sympathy to him.
Now i'm married, it's hardly to meet Mbak that sell Jamu here in KL but lucky me my hubby found it at Gombak but unfortunately he just bought me 2 dozen and ask me to prepare at home because he already bought honey from sabah, wasting if we didn't use. Well, he said it's easy peasy just mix with 2 tablespoon of honey with a sachet i like to drink when they prepared not myself. Surprising me he silently drank fresh Jamu prepared by emmm man? that what he told me so i just believe la, Man sell Jamu sound a little ridiculous but he's my hubby what can i say....he drank that jamu mix with "telur ayam kampung" and other ingredient especially for man.
Sooooo i prepared my first handmade Jamu here the picture of mine Jamu...taadaa....

At first, i really can't stand with the smell. Even the smell can make me sound Yuckssss!!!!! and i already felt bitter in my throat gee what a bad smell really bad, to tell the truth i really can't drink this Jamu but when i see my hubby face and know how hard he try to make me health i drank with my eyes close. Glup...glups....glupsss GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! that was extremely bitter yucks...yuckssss and yucks huhuhu, mummy daddy help me. I can't believe i have to drank twice a days but suddenly i felt something good happen i felt more healthy and my stomach were not painful anymore. Now i can sleep well like baby, what an incredible because after that i can't wait to drank it even how bitter i am. My body are more healthier even there is still bleeding a little just a stain but no pains.
Right now, i already drank a dozen Jamu. It's for womb strengthen and shrinkage, tighten vaginal (tuttt....censored) and what important is to give more energy, ageless and slim hohohoho. I just want to share what is good because health is very important. You see, when I warded I see lots of women who are suffer various Gynecology & Obstetric disease and I believe these arise because they not aware with the neat care in our health. Believe me, I know the exact feeling when your husband help you this and that because you sicks and that make me useless. Useless means a lot especially women married, it's brings lot perspective and high percentage to get bitter honey you know what i mean right?. Of course, i'll not let that happen to me prevent is better than cure.
So dear family and friends take a good care for your health and took supplement so your body will not exhausted so do your husband he'll not get bored to take care you when you sick because man patience not same as women. Don't think your husband will take care of you if you sick even he is too good but later you'll sympathy to him.
Apr 1, 2009
April Fool......
Talk about April Fool, it's remain me with my childhood. This is the month to fool everyone isn't it? I can't remember how many times i had been fooled but i remember Kak June's story. She had fool my elder Kak Nonong many times but Kak Nonong still believe her huahuahua. One of jokes that she always use was "Hello, Nong masak sedap-sedap ah saya mau datang hari ini." Just imagine Kak Nonong excited and she already went to market to buy things but then Kak June called and says April Fool!!!, Kak Nonong very frustrating but not long.
We all also been fooled with the same joke, it's because Kak June live far from us and we rarely met that makes we excited and forgot about the fool day hihihihi ah well we busted. My Bg.Teck is one of my brothers that i really really close with, he always fool me and make me cry all the time but he the only one who helps me to get through my girlhood. He gave consultation for free right bro?, what to do and don't without him i maybe be tomboy thee hee hee just joking. He just know how to cheer people to death and he'll not wait first April to do it cause every day was April fool for him.
I remember one day, he bought a cake and waited the right time to imposed Bg.Nis, my other elder brother that very timid and obsess with madman and sheman. We took this opportunity because there is one crazy women that always came to our house, Bg. Nis was the only big brother at that time and responsible to take care us but we are too naughty and creative to teased him. We already planned everything, Bg.Teck go out through the window from my room then he sit in front of the door and start knocking. It's not a normal knocking but crazy knocking with female's voice, i still felt chuckle and funny because i can see Bg.Nis face very surprise and panic. He thought the crazy women came again so he quickly went to our parent's room and took daddy's rifle huahuahua he is so so frighten and prepared to shoot. I know i had to make move before he put bullet in and shoot so i pretend to panic and quickly open the door. When he saw me open the door he shout and angry, at the same time Bg.Teck enter with cake to surprise him muahahaha. The cake almost fell because Bg.Nis move forward to close back the door. The situation was very hilarious but at first we really felt sorry for him but only a short time then we laugh out loud (LOL).
We all also been fooled with the same joke, it's because Kak June live far from us and we rarely met that makes we excited and forgot about the fool day hihihihi ah well we busted. My Bg.Teck is one of my brothers that i really really close with, he always fool me and make me cry all the time but he the only one who helps me to get through my girlhood. He gave consultation for free right bro?, what to do and don't without him i maybe be tomboy thee hee hee just joking. He just know how to cheer people to death and he'll not wait first April to do it cause every day was April fool for him.
I remember one day, he bought a cake and waited the right time to imposed Bg.Nis, my other elder brother that very timid and obsess with madman and sheman. We took this opportunity because there is one crazy women that always came to our house, Bg. Nis was the only big brother at that time and responsible to take care us but we are too naughty and creative to teased him. We already planned everything, Bg.Teck go out through the window from my room then he sit in front of the door and start knocking. It's not a normal knocking but crazy knocking with female's voice, i still felt chuckle and funny because i can see Bg.Nis face very surprise and panic. He thought the crazy women came again so he quickly went to our parent's room and took daddy's rifle huahuahua he is so so frighten and prepared to shoot. I know i had to make move before he put bullet in and shoot so i pretend to panic and quickly open the door. When he saw me open the door he shout and angry, at the same time Bg.Teck enter with cake to surprise him muahahaha. The cake almost fell because Bg.Nis move forward to close back the door. The situation was very hilarious but at first we really felt sorry for him but only a short time then we laugh out loud (LOL).
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